~ nostalgia ~ 3 years ago
True or False: Furbies are creepy AF

In this week's episode of "I Am The Cute One", we recapped Sister Act, but as is tradition on our Nostalgia podcast, chaos got the best of us and we got sidetracked with a conversation about creepy childhood toys.

My vote for the Creepiest Toy Award is the Furby. While I was never allowed to have my own, every time a friend was lucky (cursed?) enough to get one, I witnessed the plot of a horror movie.

It was always the same: One by one my friends would show up to school and said the four words that made me seethe with jealousy: "I got a Furby!" They had the glow that can only be associated with an elementary aged millennial who has been tricked into thinking that the responsibilities of motherhood is a fun little game. (I wonder why we all have anxiety now?)

That first week, my friend would give me daily updates on their cute new pet and spend their recess immersing themselves in the culture to learn Furbish. Duolingo who?

The next week, things would change. My friend would arrive to the bus stop looking a little more tired, a little more disheveled. Did I detect a trace of fear when they told me that "Hey, Kah Ay-Ay U-Nye" means "Hey, I see you" in Furbish?

And then, inevitably, the third week would come. My friend would casually mention during a game of Four Square that the Furby was in their closet with a towel over its head. They'd whisper that, despite the batteries being removed, their ravenous robot still woke up every night at 3 AM to screech at its poor, eight year old mother to feed them.

By the end of the month, their tiny tyrant toy would be in the attic and on its way to the next neighborhood garage sale. A tale as old as time.

Anywho. Did you have a Furby? Did it do anything creepy? Let me live vicariously through you because my parents had the good sense to keep those belligerent blinking bullies out of our home. (And, if you are a weirdo who DOESN'T think Furbies are THE CREEPIEST, which toy wears the crown for you?)

Open Post
~ nostalgia ~ 3 years ago
What was your favorite thing to buy at the scholastic book fair?

The scholastic book fair was a high like nothing else. I have never really been a book girl after the scholastic book fair and reading across America competition where you read books and got

rewarded for it.

Well for a few years I did love Barnes and Noble but that place is still a vibe. Like i remember just spending hours looking through the Guinness book of world records and eat this not that! Because after that all I did for school reading was read and take quizzes, make outlines, and write papers for grades and not rewards. It’s like i could not find reading relaxing after that. And for the past seven years I’ve been writing so i only really find joy in reading articles.

Hey if you’re reading this and you’re a book reader, how would you advise me to get into reading books? I can do audio books but something about reading is just so mundane to me. Should I try to read a book by the pool my next staycation? Should I try to read one during a long travel time?

This is neither here nor there. Anyways what was your favorite thing to buy at the scholastic book fair?

Mine was definitely the Captain Underpants and Kratt brothers books. I liked magazines too. I however wasn’t big into posters or erasers. What I didn’t understand were the people who voluntarily bought like workbooks. Like what is you doing? We already have homework today. Let’s freakin have fun dude like you’re killing the vibe. Anyways so yeah bring me back to the early 00’s? Were you there for the books? Or the others things? What do you think is the equivalent to an adult scholastic book fair? I say yard sales.

Open Post
~ nostalgia ~almost 3 years ago
Without revealing your age, what movie did you watch the most as a kid?