~ astrology ~ 2 years ago
Ritual for the supermoon 🌝

It’s Supermoon time, y’all. Otherwise known as the Flower Moon, which is the name the Farmers Almanac gave it because it’s this time of year that the flowers are out, also known as 

 “blood moon” because of the reddish hue that appears on the moon during the total lunar eclipse.

NASA says early stages of the eclipse are expected to begin at 9:32 p.m. Sunday with totality being reached at 11:29 p.m. and lasting for more than an hour. (For the east coast fyi!)

 But enough SCIENCE. What about ASTROLOGY. I looked it up. 

Mind Body Green says:

“As far as the astrological significance of this lunar event, psychotherapist and astrologer Jennifer Freed, Ph.D., tells mbg that the moon is going to fall in the sign of Scorpio, which can bring up some emotional shame and baggage…

‘Scorpio by nature—when it's not functioning well—wants to bury and push down difficult emotions, but in the highest application of a Scorpio moon, we fearlessly confront the shadow or the dark side of our personalities or feelings,’ Freed says.

That makes this moon one of the most powerful times of the year to release all baggage, resentment, and shame, she explains, adding it's a good idea to ‘really ritualize this time, because when there's this much energy and it's a full moon and an eclipse, it's begging us to make ceremony around it, burning out the past and coming into the present with cleansed emotions.’”

They recommend meditating during the supermoon and write down what you want to RELEASE. 

No mention of cauldrons, but I’m going to try to find one before tonight 🧙🏻‍♀️ 🌝 🫧

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