What's a movie or show that was a cultural moment?
I read a cool post on reddit where someone was talking about having just watched the matrix for the first time and their mom was telling them about how crazy it was the first time they saw it and how everyone was obsessed. I've been trying to think of other good ones, like viewing parties for lost is one thing that comes to mind
That is the only right answer and thank you for your time.
I think the release of Harry Potter was probably one of my generations biggest moments. The books obviously paved the way but when the movies hit, there was no turning back.
I don’t think there was a bigger movie movement in my lifetime than Titanic. Not only did my Leo-obsessed friends force me to see it in theaters, but they also forced me to watch every single Leo-centric project in existence. That meant I had to watch not only Romeo + Juliet, but also Gilbert Grape, Basketball Diaries, The Beach, and so many more. I have seen the most Leo movies out of any actor’s oeuvre, and it’s all bc my best friend at 13 loved Jack Dawson.
Oh man, in the old days there were so many! Like, remember all the LOST parties? I used to go to a bar every Thursday and it was just SILENT through the whole show. It’s amazing how much we cared about a series where the creators themselves had no idea what direction it was headed in. Worth it for the fun, though.
The GOT finale where we all were let down at the same time and spent weeks talking sh*t about it