Neighbor trying to convert me
There is a lovely woman in my neighborhood who introduced herself to me at the kids' playground and was forward about exchanging numbers. It's not something I'd normally do, but she was persistent and to be fair, kind. But I was a little put-off by her forwardness -- this is NYC, after all.
Soon after this exchange, I've gotten mail once a month asking me to consider joining the Jehovah's Witnesses. It's addressed to me, with my full name, and my phone number is in the address block.
I have a strong feeling these two instances are related.
I see her often around the neighborhood (like, 2x a week!) -- do I say anything, and if I do, WHAT do I say? I have a feeling the answer is keep my mouth shut until there's proof, but the mail is creepy, man. I feel really exposed.
I think you should move. That’s so uncomfortable 😂
I think this is a situation you politely and awkwardly avoid for the rest of your life
Wait… how exactly do you know these two scenarios are related? Has she dropped in conversation that she’s a Jehovah’s Witness? There are a lot of places we submit our addresses and phone numbers to (just see how many campaign emails are in your inbox) — it could just be convenient timing.
But, either way, I guess this is why they taught us stranger danger back in the day.
Ugh, her persistence is so annoying!! I would reply to her email and kindly say no thanks, you're not interested. If she keeps doing it, I'd block her, TBH. (If she ever asks you if you got her email about XYZ I would just say "No! Maybe it went to spam...")