It's the most wonderful time of year — you know, that time of year when Vanessa Hudgens switches places with herself in a Netflix Christmas movie for our collective amusement. Sadly, The Princess Switch 3 is relatively low on switching hijinks, especially compared to the previous two installments life-swapping antics. But I suppose short on introducing a fourth look-alike, there's only so many times Margaret, Stacy, and Fiona can get away with switching places like the '90s era Olsen twins (triplets?).
This time around, Fiona is very much the star of the show, but both of her doubles get a chance to walk a mile in her butterfly-adorned stilettos. Despite all three versions of Hudgens spending most of the movie in their designated roles, the final act finds both Margaret and Stacy donning blond wigs to impersonate the saucy Fiona. The entire sequence is a bit like a wild fever dream where human women randomly purr at people and say "meow" a lot like that's a normal thing to do.
If you found yourself distracted by the bizarreness of seeing three Fionas run amuck while simultaneously pulling off a heist, doing the tango, and visiting a convent, then you are not alone. I too was left with a boggled mind, and a slow sense of reality slipping away — just normal Christmas movie feelings, to be fair. But I was also impressed by Hudgens, who was tasked with playing Fiona, Margaret as Fiona, and Stacy as Fiona all at the same time.
While it's fairly easy to keep track of who's who while watching The Princess Switch 3, things get a little bit trickier once the dialogue is taken away. I think everyone needs to take a moment to appreciate just how much Hudgens is doing for Netflix viewers this holiday season, and the best way to do that is with a quiz. Below, you'll find a selection of pictures featuring various versions of Fiona. Some of them are actual Fiona, while others are Margaret as Fiona and Stacy as Fiona. Your job is to identify which version of Hudgens is the real Fiona, and which is one of her doppelgangers.
The winner gets bragging rights, and a virtual Star of Peace Christmas sticker. May the power of Vanessa Hudgens guide you!
1. Is This Fiona, Stacy As Fiona, Or Margaret As Fiona?
Hint: say what you will about her various performances, but Hudgens does an excellent job of imbuing each character with a different energy that shines through via her facial expressions.
2. Real Fiona Or Faux Fiona?
Peep that dazzling red dress and superb smirk. Is that the real Fiona or an imposter?
3. Is This Fiona And Margaret Or Fiona And Stacy?
Bonus points go to anyone who can not only identify which royal is posing as Fiona here, but also point out which of the two woman pictured is the actual Fiona.
4. Fiona, Is That You?
What about this fabulous dresser? Is It Fiona or a royal in a wig?
5. Who Is Pursing Those Lips?
The face screams Fiona, but The Princess Switch franchise has made it clear all three lookalikes can slip into an alternate persona whenever they want.
6. Who Is This Lady In Red?
Margaret, Stacy, or Fiona — you decide.
7. Bonus: Name The Characters From Left To Right
No you're not seeing triple, there really are three Fionas in this picture. Now you just have to remember which one is Margaret, which one is Stacy, and which one is the real, fabulous Fiona.
This is Stacy, who is back in the palace after successfully (and reluctantly) getting Fiona's community service commuted back at the convent. Incidentally, she's comforting the real Fiona in this scene after her former nemesis realizes Peter double-crossed her.
2. Margaret
Don't let the red dress fool you, this is all Margaret.
3. Margaret And Fiona
That's Margaret in the red and Fiona in the sparkles, after Margaret received a crash course in pretending to be her flamboyant cousin.
4. Fiona
This is the real Fiona, who is tormenting a poor nun while complaining about mopping.
5. Margaret
Poor Margaret had to take one for the team and kiss the slimy Hunter Cunard. As you can tell from the look on her face, she's not too happy about it.
6. Fiona
This is Fiona, who looks genuinely happy after reconciling with her mother and joining her cousin for the holidays. She's come so far since her kidnapping days, ya'll!
7. Stacy, Fiona, and Margaret
From left to right, it's Stacy pretending to be Fiona, Fiona rocking a glam heist ensemble, and Margaret as Fiona.
See? Hudgens truly is a Christmas rock star for pulling off so many different versions of Fiona in a single movie. Although, if Netflix greenlights a fourth film, I'm going to need her to add a fourth doppelganger to the mix, just to keep things interesting.
Images: Mark Mainz/Netflix; Netflix