Where Was John Hersey During 'Men Tell All'? He Might Be In Paradise...

- The Bachelor -
Where Was John Hersey During 'Men Tell All'? He Might Be In Paradise...

Michael A. was there. Connor B. was there. (Paw lick and all.) But there was one particular fan favorite who was missing during Monday night's episode of The Bachelorette. Where was John Hersey during Men Tell All?

After John was surprisingly — but ceremoniously — eliminated from the competition early on (after all, he received actual applause upon his exit), the internet has rallied in his favor, eager to see the training pilot back on their screens. But he was noticeably absent during one of the more anticipated events of the season, despite forgettable contestants like Quartney, Cody, and Brendan (who's Brendan?) making the cut. What could make him miss the event?

Well, paradise. But... not that paradise. According to Reality Steve, the Men Tell All episode was taped on July 15. And, while John didn't post on his Instagram on that day, three days before, he appeared to be hiking on a trail that looks like the Pipiwai Trail in Maui, Hawaii. As he captioned it, "Is that Maui Wowie?"

Now, it's not 100 percent that John was in Hawaii on the 15th, or that he was even there on the 12th. (As of the 20th, he was in San Diego.) Who amongst us hasn't posted an old vacation photo during these quarantined times? But The Bachelorette is missing from his narrative, with his Instagram Story on the 26th only referencing the show via a joke from a cruel friend.

Where Was John Hersey During 'Men Tell All'? He Might Be In Paradise...

Sadly, it doesn't appear John will be on Bachelor in Paradise, based on the released cast list, so we might have seen the last of John when he missed out on the rose. Still, he did spend today celebrating the birthday of this love of his life, so things could be worse, right?

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