I have a confession...
I don't give one single s**t about the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial and I DO NOT understand the fanatical obsession. It's truly bizarre.
As an attorney, I am disgusted at how the legal system is being used to garner public support and completely distract from what the trial is actually about. It's a goddamn circus.
With that said, if you're someone who is following closely or maybe even one of the obsessed, can you explain to me why? What is it about the trial that fascinates you? Is it the fact that celebrities live in another planet and you're intrigued by getting a glimpse behind the curtain? Are you hoping for JD redemption? HELP ME UNDERSTAND.
I'm also disgusted by this entire thing. Now that the verdict is in I'm hoping to never hear anything about these two ever again
I’ve been watching & was completely ready to believe Amber but there was too much evidence that actually showed her to be the abusive one, not just to JD. I think it’s hard for people to believe women can be abusive. There’s also no me too element… all his exes &he had many, said opposite. What’s harder to believe is 20+ people most being professionals would lie under oath & that’s what AH is claiming. I think the online hate is a lot. I also think people have felt triggered by her recordings.
I see why people are interested, but really wish they would put this energy into gun reform or maternal rights or something else. But that’s rich coming from me, while I rewatch old seasons of RHONY for the 12th time.
I agree. Twitter hashtags against Amber are scary. This country hates women, it's disgusting. What I keep thinking about is that these people were married for only TWO YEARS and they have spent millions of dollars on these lawsuits. What an absolute nightmare for Amber.
To me it combines my two loves, celebrity tea and an ep of Law and Order. I did grow up a Johnny girlie so I guess that's why I was initially interested, but it's just really wild to see the fan pages and obsessive people. To me I like to see the drama behind the scenes. I by no means think he's an angel or completely innocent but she's showing two pics, saying they're from 2 separate incidents and they show the date they're the same exact pic just edited coloring.
I don’t get it either. It’s just so strange and they both seem so smug about the whole thing
For me it’s the purist form of gossip/getting dirt from a celebrity. It’s just so wild. Growing up I was also a huge Depp fan, so I guess im invested that way too. Tbh if this was a Kim/Kanye divorce trial or something I wouldn’t care. All that being said, my “following” it is listening to other people recap, I haven’t been watching live coverage.
I’ve actually wondered how much money is being spent on this, and how much is coming directly from taxpayers’ pockets. That’s bothered me.
But I think the reason it’s so captivating to people is because celebrities have been able to curate their lives SO much in recent years. There hasn’t been a way to see what really goes on in their lives in the days of Instagram. We’re now seeing all the dirty details which helps people realize… being rich and famous isn’t everything.
I’m with you!!!! I don’t get it. I did read the New Yorker article about how the trial hinges on twelve words from Amber’s op Ed and found that interesting, for me, a lay person.