Titletown High
The Valdosta Football Scandal, Explained For Your Post-'Titletown High' Reading
Titletown High presents itself as a sort of Friday Night Lights, but the reality TV version.
Karen Fratti
How The Creator Of 'Titletown High' Found Valdosta & The Controversy Surrounding It
Every good reality TV show needs a controversial main character who isn't afraid to let it all out, and for Titletown High creator Jason Sciavicco, that muse has been Coach Rush Propst.
Karen Fratti
Why Was Rush Propst Fired From Valdosta High School?
At the very end of Netflix's Titletown High, viewers learn that scandal was afoot at Valdosta High, all surrounding Coach Rush Propst.
Karen Fratti
Does Amari Jones From 'Titletown High' Still Play At Valdosta?
By the end of Titletown High Season 1, Amari Jones is back with his on-again-off-again high school sweetheart, Morgan Miller, coming off an all around decent football season.
Karen Fratti
5 Things About Valdosta Football 'Titletown High' Doesn't Explain
The trailer for Titletown High had me at "high school football town."
Karen Fratti
Here's Where Football Star Jake Garcia Ended Up After 'Titletown High'
Nothing explains how serious high school football can really be for some families than the plight of Titletown High's Jake Garcia.
Karen Fratti
Why Did Jake Garcia Leave Valdosta High School? The Average Person's Guide To Football Rules
Early on in Netflix's Titletown High, star quarterback Jake Garcia is deemed ineligible to play for Valdosta High School and the one game that he did play in was forfeited.
Karen Fratti