Why Is Everyone So Into Kenny On 'Bachelor In Paradise'?

- The Bachelor -
Why Is Everyone So Into Kenny On 'Bachelor In Paradise'?

Me, after the Bachelor in Paradise Season 7 premiere: Kenny and Mari are definitely endgame. Me, after Demi enters the chat: Kenny and Mari are DOOMED. In a surprising turn of events, "boy band manager" and "naked" 40-year-old Kenny Braasch is about to find himself in the middle of a love triangle in Mexico, which, honestly, has me wondering, why is everyone so into Kenny on BiP?

No offense to Kenny, the man with the rock hard abs, but this is the same season that has Bachelor Nation fave Ivan, Grocery Store Joe, and Brendan. So why is Kenny the stand out? As someone who never really quite got the Kenny appeal (nothing personal, but the flag tattoo on his chest coupled with all the stars is just too much patriotism for me), I decided to dig deep and see if I could figure out, once and for all, what is it about Kenny that makes him Bachelor in Paradise's hottest commodity?

He's Hot

Image: ABC/Craig Sjodin

Obviously, the hotness factor is the first thing that comes to mind. When Kenny showed up in Paradise "naked" (aka in a speedo that Bach producers covered up with a black box for effect), the women on the beach couldn't help but stare. And I can't blame them. I mean, those muscles, those abs, 10/10 would say Kenny is the most fit man on that beach. He might even be one of the most cut men ever to appear on Bachelor in Paradise, and that's saying something.

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