Craig Asked Paige On Live TV If She Wants Kids & Sh*t Just Got Real

- Southern Charm -
Craig Asked Paige On Live TV If She Wants Kids & Sh*t Just Got Real

Guys, I have to tell you, I am surprised, in shock, aghast by how serious Paige DeSorbo and Craig Conover seem to be getting. In all honesty, I kind of thought they would fizzle out or that the long distance would eventually be too much for them and we would get joint Instagram posts about still having love for each other... but they don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Paige has been doing Instagram Lives in a partnership with Amazon, and did a full hour yesterday and had a special guest. You guessed it, ole Craigy popped in. The two of them answered some questions from viewers while on Live and some of his answers not only stunned her, but I think stunned everyone, when he started to discuss their future together.

Here's what they discussed from meeting to moving in to having babies and... I feel like we need to discuss it!

Their Meet-Cute Story Kinda Involves Jules Daoud

Taking questions from viewers, Paige and Craig detailed how they met one another.

Craig said that he "showed up to the share house three summers ago because I had a crush on Paige and I walked in the house and the first thing I did was go up to her and ask her to go down the water slide with me, and we did, then you walked away and we didn't speak for two years."

And Paige agrees with that story. "Accurate, we went down a waterslide and I never talked to you again."

That said, back in April, 2020, Craig told Bravo's Daily Dish that he had a great time on the waterslide, but with former Summer House cast member Jules Dauod, not Paige.

Craig told the outlet that his romance with Jules started on that huge waterslide. “I was like, ‘Hey, let’s do waterslide races,’ and they were like, ‘We’re in.’” Jules and Craig were a brief thing, and Craig told The Dipp all about it back then. Paige was dating boyfriend Perry Rahbar at the time.

Craig Shades Paige About Her Job While They Discuss Long-Distance

In response to a question about how they make long-distance work, Craig said, "Well baby, we have it very easy. Our mean of travel is very convenient, we both have an airport 15 minutes from our house, and only an hour to each other. And we are fortunate to have a flexible schedule and so we don't go more than four days without seeing each other. Honestly it doesn't feel long distance but there is something to be said about having space. Like, Paige can go home and watch her shows and do clothes stuff and I do whatever I do when I'm at home."

And Paige, while laughing said, "Did you just call my job 'clothes stuff'?!"

And I know she was laughing it off, but for a man who once said "what's wrong with my sewing?" you would think he took her career a little more seriously.

Craig Puts Paige On The Spot About Having Kids

When asked who will be the first to move to the other's city, Paige said, "My answer to that is, I think I will straight up Carrie Bradshaw that. And I will always have a studio apartment in the city. I don't see Craig jumping on the 6 train anytime soon, but I love both [cities]. Like, I don't think I will ever give up both, because New York is engrained in my soul but Charleston is lovely, especially this time of year."

And I think Craig was pleasantly surprised by this answer because his reply was, "You continue to give a little bit more every time this question is asked."

And then Craig chimed in with a question of his own and asked, "What if we decide to bring little ones into this world? Do you see us doing that in the city or down south, or are you gonna hold off on that question?"

Paige, with a huge smile says, "How dare you put me on the spot on my own Live? I think children would be great anywhere but I definitely see them running around in a backyard."

And then she quickly pivoted into a short-lived game of "truth or sip" where they just talked about Valentine's day.

I must say, watching them interact on a live, it was definitely cute, they are very smiley with each other and happy... I was just surprised to see them discuss their future on an Amazon Fashion Live. But I was glad they did. Because now I'm envisioning the finale of a Summer House season where she packs up the U-Haul to move to Charleston and give us some Lauren Conrad, The Hills vibes. Ooo, that gives me chills! I've said it before and I'll say it again, these drunk 30-somethings are the future of Bravo. Sorry, Housewives.

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