It's been so long since we've had a BRAND new cast of characters, and I'm wondering what you all thought. I found it difficult to really get behind anyone FULLY, just because it's early days. But, I love how RICH these women are. There's a glamour to this series that you just don't get in Orange County or Potomac. (Though they supplement with outrageousness.)
What were your favorite parts of the premiere? Any stand outs? Any hopes / dreams / thoughts?
I’ve been enjoying Shamira’s RHODubai recaps for Vulture. They’ve been funny and do a great job of weaving in context about what it’s really like in Dubai, in terms of politics and human rights.
The show hasn’t grabbed me yet; I haven’t connected to anyone yet… but I did love seeing Chanel Ayan on WWHL. She’s a great Housewife!