Being a fan of Grey's Anatomy is kind of like being in the mafia, if what Michael Corleone said is true. Just when I think I'm out, it pulls me back in. Seriously, just hours before the Grey's Anatomy "It's All Too Much" episode aired, I texted with my die hard Grey's people — friends, family, the bodega owner I caught one day watching it on his phone while waiting to pay for a sandwich — to say that I was over it. I bet a whole bacon, egg, and cheese that after last week's major episode (killing off DeLuca, Meredith still on a vent, and every other character in their own corner) that Thursday's episode would be a silly filler.
But more than ever before, Grey's Anatomy is just like the damn death beach Meredith keeps showing up at. Just when you think she's gone — free from the sand that she'll inevitably find for the rest of time — there she is again. Linen and all. Even being rather cynical about what this episode could be, I still got chills when Maggie back-hugged Helms, and I still wanted to text my ex-boyfriend a clip of Link saying, "I'll be back, because I'm not bad guy!" But hey, that's just me.
This was not a filler episode at all. And I offer a mea culpa to everyone I trash talked this season to, because this episode reeled me right back in like Derek and his fishing line to nowhere. Let's break it down.
The Beach
Look, as someone who has dedicated hundreds of hours of their life to this show, I'm never going to turn away these beach scenes. But I have to ask where we're going with it — how long is Meredith going to be here and why are she and Derek constantly screaming while only a few feet away from each other? I, for one, hope that I never have to yell to my soulmate that loudly over a very calm ocean about our children.
It's a sweet callback to some Grey's canon and all, but Derek looks awful (is there not a beach shack selling protein shakes?) and the fact that he's been lowkey watching baby Ellis from beyond the grave is disturbing. If you aren't going to give me Mark Sloan, abs and all, on a beach, just let Derek go. This is torture!
Jo & Jackson & Jameson
Who knew that Link was a Jameson guy?! Or, dare I say, the new Cristina Yang, who pops in, all twisty just when you need them the most? Playing a game of "Who's More Sad?" (someone call Andy Cohen because this is a great Grey's drinking game) felt a little too meta, but, hey, if this trio is going to survive as the new Grey Sloan gang, it's exactly what needs to happen. (Especially before April reportedly returns this season.)
DeLuca's Memorial
Meanwhile, at the hospital, everyone is both doing their thing while simultaneously losing their shit. Bailey is mourning her mom, Schmidt feels guilty just for existing, and patients are dying from a virus no one knows anything about and our beloved docs can't fix it (and we're talking about a team who saved a guy with a bomb in his abdomen). Richard Webber's memorial service for DeLuca could have been cheesy, and maybe it was, but this is the thing that got me — it was really quite perfect. If you didn't feel like Teddy sitting on a curb and crying it out, then maybe this whole show isn't for you. But it is for me. Move over Teddy, and make room.
Images: ABC