Did Nathan On 'Too Hot To Handle' Make A Major Life Choice Based On The Worst Storyline In 'Love Actually'?

- Too Hot To Handle -
Did Nathan On 'Too Hot To Handle' Make A Major Life Choice Based On The Worst Storyline In 'Love Actually'?

Nathan saunters onto the Too Hot to Handle Season 2 set like a cowboy casually knocking open the swinging doors of the local watering hole. But he has a secret weapon he can't wait to deploy the moment he meets Melinda and Carly: He's not just any old cowboy, Nathan on Too Hot to Handle is a British cowboy. And if this moment didn't immediately give you flashbacks to the worst storyline in Love Actually, then what do you even do with yourself in December?

In his intro video, Nathan name drops Magic Mike as an inspiration for his career choice. The ex-stripper seemingly left England behind so he could live out his dreams of being the British Matthew McConaughey on strip club stages in Texas. But even though he leans hard into the cowboy narrative (his Instagram feed looks like your typical Southern dude's page, right down to a truly astounding number of photos featuring the American flag), I suspect that deep down Nathan is just a more conventionally attractive version of Colin from Love Actually.

Thanks to its interconnected anthology style, Love Actually has an abundance of storylines and everyone has a favorite. Some people love watching Liam Neeson bond with his stepson Sam (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) in the wake of his wife's death, while others are obsessed with the friendship-centric love story between aging rock star Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) and his beleaguered manager Joe (Gregor Fisher). However, precious few people would declare the game-less Colin's (Kris Marshall) quest to woo American women as their must-watch story.

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