Is Trevor Playing The Best Game On 'The Circle'?

- The Circle -
Is Trevor Playing The Best Game On 'The Circle'?

When entering The Circle, you need three things. One: to be able to speak/scream at a TV screen at a volume no normal human speaks at. Two: a lot of loungewear. And three: the ability to win people over. And this season, no one is doing it better — especially the third one — than The Circle's Trevor, whose real name is Deleesa.

In my mind, there's no better player in The Circle right now than Trevor/Deleesa. Aside from touching the hearts of her fellow game players by playing as single father Trevor, Deleesa is successfully winning over her competition while being a strategic game player.

Do you think Deleesa has what it takes to win The Circle? Is Trevor the biggest competition in the game, or is there someone else coming for the title? Let us know who you think is the person to beat in the comments. (And feel free to challenge me on why its Trevor's game to lose.) Here's why I think Deleesa may have this in the bag.

Point 1: People Believe Her

Deleesa has managed to escape almost any suspicion while in The Circle and it's seriously impressive. Sure, Chloe has wondered a time or two who she is actually talking with, but not enough to create a rift in their allegiance to each other. And its because Deleesa has managed to pick a "catfish" who she knows better than anyone — her husband. (I mean, come on, Jack as a 20-something year old sorority girl? It was never gonna work. Case in point: the glammequin challenge.)

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