A star was born on Tuesday night, and I'm not talking about our new Bachelorette, Michelle Young. (She was great though!) And I'm also not talking about Clayton Echard, our new Bachelor. (He seemed fine!) I'm talking about the spork that was featured on Ryan Fox's "Bachlorette" playbook. That little guy didn't ask to be dragged into mess, and yet he took the opportunity to face the situation and rise above it. Could this episode alone be his audition to become the next Bachelor?
Within the first 30 minutes of The Bachelorette, we already had our villain: A farmer named Ryan Fox who was "caught" "off guard" by hosts Kaitlyn and Tayshia when they stopped by his hotel room for a Room Raiders-style search. There they found a detailed playbook/cheat sheet/college admissions essay on how to play the Bachelorette game. Or, should I say, the "Bachlorette" game. (It was spelled wrong... he had one job.)
Channeling his inner elementary school student, Ryan labeled the red Office Depot folder with the show's title (kinda), I'm assuming so he doesn't get it confused with his Family Feud folder, and drew a spork under the title. And I'm saying spork because it absolutely wasn't a rose. It was a spork, one that you may get at school, an airport, or a prison.
People were quick to roast the spork, but keep in mind this spork didn't ask to be dragged into this. He didn't want to be a pawn in Ryan's villain origin story. Don't sporks already get enough grief for not knowing if they want to be a spoon or a fork that we can't give this illustration a break for once?
Images: ABC