Chris Harrison, Persona Non Grata On 'The Bachelor, Gives Terrible Advice

- The Bachelor -
Chris Harrison, Persona Non Grata On 'The Bachelor, Gives Terrible Advice

There are few people in this world that know you better than your family. Except for Chris Harrison, who apparently knows Bachelor Matt James so well that he is willing to force him into an engagement Matt isn't too jazzed about. As if this season couldn't get worse for the long-time host, I can now officially say: Chris Harrison gives the worst advice.

Following the final two hometown dates in which Michelle and Rachael met Matt's mom, Patty, and brother, John, Matt chaotically transitioned into the coming-to-terms phrase of his journey on The Bachelor — the "holy shit, I have to get engaged at the end of this" phase. And his mom's advice didn't necessarily help alleviate the stress of it.

There's something you need to know about Patty James. She is a straight shooter and didn't come on the show to sugarcoat the insanity that is The Bachelor. Getting engaged after a handful of weeks while simultaneously dating 20+ women and filming a reality TV show? Yeah, Patty has concerns. And those concerns are completely rational. We could only be so lucky to have a family member disrupt the bedrock of which the show rests to protect us from a potentially life-altering decision.

Enter Chris Harrison, the man who loves life-altering decisions. Matt sought out the advice from someone who has seen it all (read: the show needed to do some damage control when they realized Matt was getting cold feet) and that person, in some crazy world, is Chris. And what was his advice? Your mom doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

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