Two days later...

Once again, SPOILER ALERT for anyone who hasn't watched!










Anyone else still confused by the "two days later" time jump? Just some questions that come to mind:

1. Where is Max's mom? Why is she not at the hospital with Max?

2. How did they explain what happened to Max? Do people recognize the injuries as consistent with Chrissy, etc., so they presume Eddie? Certainly the kids wouldn't claim Eddie did it, so what did they say to doctors?

3. Where is Eddie? Is he still in the Upside-Down? Did they bury him, or is is body just kinda sitting out there hanging with the dead bats?

4. How did the rest of the team react to Eddie's death? Were they sad? Because it certainly didn't seem like it!

5. Who filled in Mike, etc., about Eddie and his death? For someone who was a part of the Hellfire Club, it really seemed like Mike could have cared less too.

6. How did everyone react to Hopper being alive? Even El was sort of like, "Oh, hey, dad, good to see you." Shouldn't that have been more of a mind-blowing moment for everyone to see?

6. Why in the world was everyone so HAPPY. The town was ripped apart, their friend died, and Vecna is still on the loose — how is there not more concern?