Why are live entertainment fees the worst?

I know John Oliver did a segment on this a few weeks ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_Y7uqqEFnY) but I can never get over how awful fees are for live events. Arcade Fire released some pre-sale tickets today and I was curious to see how much ticket prices were. I've seen them before so I don't feel like I NEED to go, but it would be nice. Two tickets in my cart ($125 each) getting ready to check out, and HOLY CRAP $300!!

Then I decided to check out a different concert that's happening this weekend to see if there was anything available. Two tickets in my cart ($75 each) I go to check out, and somehow it's $196!!! I really do enjoy concerts, especially after not being able to go for years...but I physically cannot click the purchase button when the fees add up to almost a third ticket.