Season 5 of Riverdale introduced fans to a whole new mystery. Post time-jump, Betty is an FBI agent, who returns to her hometown of Riverdale after she failed to put away the Trashbag Killer — or TBK, for short. However, while TBK may very well be out there, so is another villain: A person who is hunting down women on the so-called "Lonely Highway." We still have no clue who this killer — or, at the very least, kidnapper — is, but heck, this is Riverdale, and there’s bound to be some sort of a wild twist. And what’s twistier than having the villain of this season be someone we previously wrote off as totally innocent? It’s for that reason I’m still suspicious of Riverdale High’s former principal, Holden Honey.
Principal Honey was introduced in Season 4 as the principal taking over for Principal Weatherbee. (In case fans forgot, Principal Weatherbee briefly joined a cult, which ultimately cut off one of his fingers.) He immediately earned the ire of most of the students at Riverdale High, mostly because he didn't exactly let them get away with the teen drama shenanigans most other adults on the show let slide. In fact, Jughead even had Principal Honey killed in the Season 4 finale — well, within college admissions story, at least.
Alas, it turned out that Principal Honey wasn't a real villain after all. After he left the school for Stonewall Prep, it was revealed that all of his seemingly nefarious methods of ruling Riverdale were basically just at the service of his students' best interests. And while he was a primary suspect for The Voyeur — aka the Riverdale villain sending creepy videotapes around town that depicted murders and other gruesome acts — that person turned out to be Jellybean, Jughead's sister.