New feature -- Peloton Radio

Have you noticed the new feature that got pushed out today -- Peloton Radio? It's supposed to give you a choice of playlists ONLY for scenic rides. 90% of the rides I take these days are the scenic ones, so I was really excited to try this out. Normally I just listen to a playlist on Spotify, but I was excited to be able to pick some of their curated playlists, but it didn't seem to work as expected and seems to be lacking some key features. First, I tried a 10 min Puerto Rico ride. There was only one playlist available (which was actually enjoyable, but still felt like a bust) Next I tried a longer ride --that had the option of "Dance Party," "Hip Hop," "Rock" and a few others. Now for me here is where the missing features come in -- there's no way to see what's on the playlist before you click it, nor is there a way to skip songs! I messed around with a few playlists, but eventually just went back to my Spotify playlist. I know this is a brand new feature, so I hope they add these little things in the future!