Claire's Arrest Might Explain Why Sam Heughan Is Calling The Frasers Unpopular In 'Outlander' Season 6

- Outlander -
Claire's Arrest Might Explain Why Sam Heughan Is Calling The Frasers Unpopular In 'Outlander' Season 6

As Claire said in the Season 5 finale of Outlander, she has lived through assault, losing a child, imprisonment, and a fucking world war... and she will not be broken. But Outlander Season 6 will test Claire once again. In Diana Gabaldon's sixth Outlander book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, Claire isn't even safe on Fraser's Ridge. And based on what Starz has released about Season 6 and recent quotes from Sam Heughan, TV Claire is poised to follow the traumatic path set out for her in the sixth book. Spoilers ahead for Outlander Book 6.

The Outlander Season 5 finale pulled from A Breath of Snow and Ashes (ABOSAA) by having Lionel Brown kidnap Claire. She was sexually assaulted by multiple perpetrators before Jamie and the men of Fraser's Ridge came and killed most of Lionel's men. But the Brown family isn't finished with Claire yet — something hinted at in "Never My Love" when Jamie delivered Lionel's corpse to his brother. Richard Brown tells Jamie, "Lionel, he reaped what he sowed. And you did what you must. As will I... when the time comes."

I've said it before and I will say it again: I will never understand how Richard feels like he has any ground for vengeance considering what his brother did to Claire. But, as Gabaldon once told me, the Browns are "totally repellent," so it's certainly in character. And Richard sure does have it out for Claire in ABOSAA... and, unfortunately, the Christies provide Richard with the perfect means for his revenge. After Claire is found with the dead bodies of Malva Christie and her baby, Richard comes to Fraser's Ridge to arrest Claire for murder.

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