Did anyone else watch The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans?

So I finished up the last episode of The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans and hooooooooo-boy Julie was the most exhausting right up until the very end, huh? While I thought Kelley's early exit seemed a bit much (girl, it's just a few more days), her social media tells a different story that Julie went really out of her way to make that house uncomfortable as hell: https://www.instagram.com/kelleywolf/

I'm actually kinda pissed that Julie jeopardized the entire season because this was a real opportunity for real adults to work through real issues. Maybe I'm an old fart, too, but I'd rather be "bored" than roll my eyes and cringe at a 42-year-old acting like she's 18. I needed pretty much non-stop Melissa and Danny tbh.

Anyone else have a similar reaction to the series? Or do you love a good reality TV villain too much to be bothered?