The ring scene in My Best Friend's Wedding... hot or not?

Recently got in a lil debate with some friends about what I consider to be The Perfect Rom-Com... My Best Friend's Wedding. Starring Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, and Cameron Diaz, this motion picture tells the story of a woman who is in love with her best friend. She's just about to tell him when, SURPRISE, he announces he's engaged to the young, naive Cameron Diaz.

I'm not here to discuss if the movie is perfect, because as I mentioned before... it is. It's The Perfect Rom-Com. I'm here because it recently was brought to my attention that some people didn't find the ring scene (you know the one) hot. (For those without context, link below.)

I can't imagine anything more hot than having Dermot Mulroney sucking on your finger. But OK! Let's hear your opinions!