Run, not walk

Now I know Austin butler from his Disney channel and Nickelodeon days #ilikejake. However, this man truly captured the sound, walk, talk and spirit of Elvis Presley in Elvis the movie. My God. When you pair Austin’s dedication to the role and Baz Luhrmanns impeccable modern contemporary style you get one of the most unique and greatest biopics of all time. My mother is from Georgia and raised me on a variety of music. While she definitely changed with the times growing our music collection, she would ALWAYS put on Elvis and tell me why he was so different. And how he absolutely blurred the lines of cultural appropriation vs cultural appreciation (something at the forefront of the movie). However, he is still celebrated among every community because with his music and him giving credit and having Black people in his performances — he kinda helped the entertainment industry in the same way that Frank Sinatra and his collaborations with Sammy Davis jr broke barriers. I cannot give this movie a better rating. Please go watch as soon as you get a chance.