Is it weird I’ve never owned an actual computer?
I’ve been a work from home person for over seven years but even before that I have never owned a computer only a laptop. Growing up I never had a computer in my home because my mom wouldn’t know how to work it and I’m the youngest child so it was just me and her. I used to only use the computers at school. When it was time for me to finally get a computer at home, I got an 17” HP laptop. I love big screens every time I get an iPhone it has to be the max. I have a 55” tv in my room and 65” in my living room. Anyways, even now I do all my work from an iPad. I just feel like laptops and tablets (but especially laptops) do the same exact thing with less trouble than a computer with roots on the floor. I’ve only ever had one virus, any time something goes wrong I know to cut it off then back on, and I can take it everywhere. Is it weird that I only work from laptops?