~ HBO ~

What are we watching this weekend?

Ok, so I’m doing a staycation at the Canopy hotel in my city, and I’m watching ALL OF THE THINGS in a super cold room (things dreams are made of). I’ve already watched two thing: Bad Vegan on Netflix (cannot recommend enough. My mind is BLOWN. At this point, y’all deserve Anna Delvey, Tinder Swindler, and Joanne the scammer because WHAT DECISIONS ARE YALL MAKING?! 🤣). I’ve also watched Ben Affleck and Ana de Ramos’s new movie Deep Water on Hulu. It was a WILD RIDE! Highly recommend that too. Now I’m deep in this hotel bed watching DMZ on HBO Max (Rosario Dawson’s new limited series). It’s only 4 episodes and I’m liking so far! What are you guys watching and recommending?