Is Adam Driver A Horse Man In This Burberry Commercial?

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Is Adam Driver A Horse Man In This Burberry Commercial?

There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to rip off the bandaid: Adam Driver turns into a centaur in his new Burberry commercial. I repeat, Adam Driver — Ben Solo — is a horse man now. And, frankly, I don't know how to react.

It's truly impossible to accurately describe the feelings of awe, incredulity, and attraction (?!) I feel watching this new Burberry Hero fragrance commercial, which features a topless Driver diving into the ocean and swimming alongside a very noble steed. After a montage of the actor's body super-imposed onto the horse in the water, he emerges, no longer a man standing on two legs, but a centaur, standing triumphantly on the shore and violating all laws of physics and nature.

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I wouldn't blame you if you watched that ad and thought, "He's not a centaur, you weirdo, he's just a guy on a horse in the end." But if that's the case, then where, pray tell, are his HUMAN legs? And where is the horse's head?

All I see four horse legs, a tail, a horse torso and a human upper body. And, whether I like it or not, it's Adam Driver as a centaur, and nothing else. Compare this to an actual campaign photo of Driver riding a horse in the water (yes, really), and you can clearly see the difference.

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