John Mulaney fans might think they know Anna Marie Tendler after years of the comedian incorporating her into his act. But we really only know Tendler through the John Mulaney gaze. It's why so many flocked to her side in the biggest celebrity break-up since you handmade those "Team Jen" shirts — when he told us she was a "dynamite, five-foot Jewish bitch and she's the best," we believed it. When he told us she was unabashedly in love with "this Timothée Chalamet son of a bitch," we related. When we saw lovingly artistic shots of Petunia, we stanned.
But we didn't really know Tendler — especially not the one that existed outside of Mulaney's worldview. It seems, though, in the artist's post-divorce era, she's looking to take back the narrative. Or, at least, experiment with it.
On Sunday, Tendler officially joined TikTok, and immediately raked up nearly 100,000 followers. If those followers were looking for Mulaney dirt, they would be sorely disappointed — instead, Tendler's first two posts offer up duvet and cinnamon toast life hacks, deviating starkly from a profile photo in which the artist is dressed like an art nouveau project.
It's enough to make a viewer wonder: Is Tendler sowing the seeds for a life as a lifestyle icon, or, is this, in itself, an art project? In the same way that Tendler's Instagram seems more suited for a MOMA exhibit than a double-tap treatment, is her TikTok also another artistic exploration of self? One in which she examines a societal need to simplify the complex, pointing out that life can and never will actually accommodate a shortcut? Is she simply proving that life/hack is a binary in itself?