Doomed Housewives Marriages

It’s become a familiar pattern by now: Woman joins Housewives, brags about her lifestyle and how happy her marriage is, gets unceremoniously dumped by cheating husband. We all know that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, but on Housewives, it seems like less than half continue to thrive.

But for every Mario and Ramona (a marriage that surprisingly unraveled, imo, at least), there are plenty of Bravo marriages that you could tell were just doomed from the start. Which doomed marriages could you predict the second you saw them on screen?

Two stick out for me:

1. Camille and Kelsey. I remember back then it was shocking that she was doing Housewives in the first place, and that Kelsey would be okay with part of his life being shown. Then, his awkwardness on screen during that first episode… you just knew there was something amiss there.

2. Shannon and David. Their energies were just so mismatched, and it was almost painful watching them try to function as a married couple. I wanted to shake her from the very beginning and tell her to get out.

Which Housewives marriages did you know were doomed? Also, do you think Housewives expedites divorces with flawed couples, or is directly responsible for divorces?