Do you think that Shawndreca's privacy was invaded?

So on our latest episode of BWB we talked Kandi & The Gang and we had a lot to say about the latest episode! If you are a Kandi & The Gang watcher or just want to get your feet wet and hear some of the tea about it, the link to our episode will be listed below.

One of the things that we addressed was the Ring camera situation that occurred where Patrick and Don Juan revealed a few of Shawndreca's thoughts involving the restaurant to Kandi and Todd. Some of those thoughts were said at the dinner that the crew had nights before, and some were revealed from the Ring camera footage that Don Juan brought to Kandi and Todd's attention...

We honestly feel that said-word is one thing but when you start leaking footage of someone without their permission it is an invasion of privacy... Especially knowing the fact that Shawndreca did not say these things publicly and this was said behind the scenes. On top of that as we have seen in previous episodes Shawndreca is very capable of expressing herself so I think they should have gave her a chance to do that personally instead of setting her up and making her seem sneaky.

Please comment and tell us your thoughts

Episode link: