
vibe ~27~

I really feel like this season has jumped the shark. The thing that makes these shows work is authentic, REAL friendships, which create authentic and real conflicts and resolutions. Even if the people are abhorrent, like Thomas Ravenel, you still feel the warmth and connection and affection between the people, and you can find the humanity in them. Something to root for. It never works when you add new people just to add them. Leva, Venita, Olivia, and Pringle are the new Charli, Max, and Dana.

I really feel like this season has jumped the shark. The thing that makes these shows work is authentic, REAL friendships, which create authentic and real conflicts and resolutions. Even if the people are abhorrent, like Thomas Ravenel, you still feel the warmth and connection and affection between the people, and you can find the humanity in them. Something to root for. It never works when you add new people just to add them. Leva, Venita, Olivia, and Pringle are the new Charli, Max, and Dana.

Honestly that could be it? There is a bit of a Kardashian-ification going on.

I'm relieved that Luke is going, but I fear it's because he's getting his own spin-off, which is absolutely baffling. I'd hoped Alex might get another shot but I can't say I'll miss him. I will miss Andrea, though - but with him and Paige both coupled off, I'm not sure how much he would've brought to the table. I hope the new additions are the new Hannah and Paige.

OK, I'm kind of confused about this. Because of course that makes sense - it would be weird if they weren't weird about food, considering how obsessed they are with their appearance. But also, Khloe just went on the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast and said she eats cookies and snacks and regular Coke and whatever she wants. So do we think she's lying? Is she doing that thing ppl with eating disorders do? It's hard to imagine she, of all of them, just outright lying. Unless she's sick, and hiding.

Ha! I'm not sure I fully agree with that. But I appreciate your enthusiasm.

I think she has a very specific style which I sometimes like and am sometimes less fond of. But I wouldn't even say this collection fits her style - whether you like her style or not. She would never buy something from Zara that's so bland and ill-fitting. That's the part that's so surprising. She's so particular about her clothing and looking her absolute cutest that it's jarring to see her not cute, in her own line.

Interesting. I thought they were trying to point out the arbitrary nature of drawing a line at intercourse - which is what LINDSAY was trying to do. She kept arguing that no one should have feelings hurt because sex didn't happen, and so the language Paige and Ciara used was an exaggeration of Lindsay's point to highlight its absurdity.

but I think making a comparison to Jax is a big reach. Jax wanted power for its own sake. He's a narcissist and an asshole. He betrayed and picked fights with everyone around him, including the people he loved most. I don't think anyone on SH comes close to Jax's level of sociopathy, but as for being a volatile shit-stirring character, I'd say Lindsay and Kyle come much closer to being the Jax of the show than Paige does. And both are way more invested in being the #1 of the group than Paige is.

I don't know if I fully buy that analysis. The basic assumption is that it's hard to understand why she'd have a problem with Lindsay. But Lindsay is a prickly personality. She has DEEPLY hurt the feelings of two of Paige's best friends, hasn't always been the warmest to a third (Amanda), tends to silo herself from the new kids (hence Mya hanging out in Paige and Ciara's room), and is overall quick to anger and slow to warm. I do think there are also some BTS Bravoleb politics at play... 1/2

Agreed, and same.