How did Miguel die?

I know that the writer said that they were being two deaths this season. One obviously being Rebecca. When I found out the other was going to be Miguel nothing to prepare me for what happened last night on the show. I knew from the wedding episodes that he had his own health issues but never would’ve thought that he would’ve passed away before Rebecca.

I know that Randall found some of Miguel‘s pills at the wedding and he said that they were for high blood pressure but clearly we saw that it was more than just that. Miguel had shortness of breath which points to pulmonary hypertension or some sort of lung illness. By last episode, Miguel had full on heart disease at some point and was still taking great care of Rebecca. He also fell while taking care of his wife and bruised BADLY. He may have had some sort of blood clotting disorder where he was on blood thinners that caused him to bruise easily. This was heartbreaking.

I honestly did not expect Miguel to pass first. His story was beautifully told when he went from Jacks friend who married Rebecca to Rebecca’s second great love.