'RHONY' Recap — The Heather Thomson Moment Arrives & We Learn A New Word: "Ratsville"

- Real Housewives of New York -
'RHONY' Recap — The Heather Thomson Moment Arrives & We Learn A New Word: "Ratsville"

Every week I watch The Real Housewives of New York, I have my opinion, share it, and then take the next six or seven days to reflect. Inevitably, I wind up feeling completely differently about certain situations, but I guess that's Housewives for ya. You can feel differently week-to-week, and IT IS OK.

I have been saying this for probably the last year so (don’t even get me started on people’s inability to view these shows with any sort of nuance anymore) that, you know, it’s either you’re “Team Tre” (for example) and hate Jackie or vice versa. It’s exhausting. And going forward I vow to never refer to myself as a Team Anyone to not further this insane discourse surrounding them.

Now, with that being said.

I've been seeing a lot of Leah McSweeney hate, and frankly, I just don’t really get it. Is she trying to make something happen with Heather Thomson that really doesn’t involve her? Yes, but I appreciate her trying to make some storyline happen. She's fanning the flames when she brings up Heather's claim that Luann does "hard drugs" (Lu denies it) and “Sonja’s new face.” I appreciate Leah bringing this up because I need something other than Luann’s fake as hell relationship with a man who looks like an emperor penguin. (Somehow we're being sold this idea he's hot as hell – the lies we tell ourselves!)

'RHONY' Recap — The Heather Thomson Moment Arrives & We Learn A New Word: "Ratsville"
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