Ultimate Girls Trip: Real World

The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans is out, and the 7 cast members are giving exactly what we expected them to give. Melissa is still a star, Danny still owns my heart, David is Tokyo now (Melissa told us not to ask questions, so we won’t), Kelley is married to Scott Wolf, Matt looks exactly the same, Jamie is still loud as hell, and Julie is… Julie.

This reunion firing on all cylinders from the first MINUTE had me thinking. These former MTV Houseguests CLEARLY still have it, so what if we mixed it up a bit?

I want Paramount to take a page out of the Peacock book and plan an “Ultimate Girls* Trip” with former Real World cast members.

Which seven former RW’ers would make up a cast you could NOT say no to watching?

(Warning: If Melissa from New Orleans is not in your cast, you’re already wrong.)