Is Nick the messiest LiB cast member of all time?

Help, I can't stop thinking about Nick. I know there will never be another Messica, but Nick (Ness? Mick? Messolaus? I don't think I can make it work) is just a fascinatingly messy character.

He seemed so normal (dare I say, boring?) in the pods — I felt like we were getting another Cameron. Someone who was down-to-earth, kind, and just so in love with their partner. But I feel like Nick cares less about Danielle than he does the DraMAH. This dude has stirred the pot constantly, and even egged on Shaina to have that insane beach convo with Shayne.

Add a corn suit to the mix and the weird family vibes, and this guy is MesSY. How did we not catch this in the first couple episodes?