The Kylie Baby Video Will Make You Want To Buy Baby Products, Even If You Don't Have A Baby

- Keeping Up With the Kardashians -
The Kylie Baby Video Will Make You Want To Buy Baby Products, Even If You Don't Have A Baby

Send help, friends, because I am stuck in a YouTube K-hole (Kardashian-hole), watching and rewatching the Kylie Baby launch video. I am mesmerized by everything about this ad and just how much it makes me want to spend an exorbitant amount of money on bath products made for children, eat cotton candy, and ride a ferris wheel in a magical wonderland. All things that would never normally enter my brain, as I am a grown woman.

But leave it to Kylie Jenner to make me soft. The video, below, takes place in a dreamlike carnival land...heaven??? is it heaven???... where Stormi and Kylie explore together, ride the rides, walk through cloud puddles, and pick cotton candy from floating cotton candy clouds, all before falling down for a nap on a fluffy fairy princess bed. All of this is interspersed with shots of oversized versions of baby bath products because at the end of the day, we're pushing product people! It feels like a drug-fueled Candy Land board game, and quite frankly, I want to live in this pastel paradise.

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I keep trying to figure out why it's all so transfixing. Is it the music, the very catchy "Lottery" by Kali Uchis that I can't get out of my head? It's not just that, as my investigation took me to Spotify to listen to the song without Kylie and Stormi and their futuristic wonderland boots and it just wasn't the same. (Great song! Just not the same.)

Is it the color scheme? Is it that they got Stormi to smile and point at a green screen carousel and hot air ballon on demand, even though I truly believe she really saw them and experienced joy? Is it that now I think Kylie Baby bath products might smell like cotton candy and clouds and what it feels like to swing?

What was she looking at? Was it Kris Jenner?! An underpaid production assistant?! Does she already understand photoshoot commands? I need answers!

It's delightful and it's also genius. The youngest Kardashian/Jenner sibling is selling a set of four products — a lotion, a bubble bath, a shampoo, and a conditioner — for $58. Or you can get just the shampoo and conditioner plus a little mini baby comb and brush for the same price. Those are not of equal value, guys! But she's doing it. And that's why Kylie is almost a billionaire and we're all just wishing we could eat a $58 puff of cotton candy cloud.

Images: Kylie Baby

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