'I Know What You Did Last Summer' Ep. 3 Recap: Stalker, Please Reveal Yourself

- I Know What You Did Last Summer -
'I Know What You Did Last Summer' Ep. 3 Recap: Stalker, Please Reveal Yourself

In the last installment of my recaps for Amazon's I Know What You Did Last Summer, friends were murdered and heads were rolling. There were also more goats. Now, things are getting particularly chilling.

Episode 3 begins with Allennon (Allison posing as her dead sister, Lennon) returning home after finding Johnny’s head on the side of the road. Her father isn’t there, but his phone is, and she opens a video from Lyla, the police chief, assuming it will be something involving her sister’s disappearance or Johnny’s murder. Unfortunately for Allennon’s eyes, it’s not...

... It’s a video of Lyla riding her father while he’s handcuffed to a chair.

So, I heard my parents once and it was enough for me to go on a weeklong hunger strike, but to see a video of my father that included handcuffs and a chair?! I… would simply pluck out my eyes and mail them to my grandmother. THIS IS YOUR SON’S FAULT.

When the group meets up to discuss the decapitation video, Margot is insistent that this was the work of Allison. Allennon reminds her that Allison is dead, and there’s no motive: Johnny was her only friend. She suggests that it’s probably the person that’s been stalking her in the black pickup truck. Margot gets upset that Riley knew about a stalker and she didn't. Frankly, more friction among them is not what this group needs right now. Please talk it out, ladies; you’re already covering up manslaughter and doing your best to not be murdered in vengeance. You do not need to add “fighting with friends'' to your to-do list.

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