'Doctor Who' Totally Needs To Rip Off 'Farscape'

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'Doctor Who' Totally Needs To Rip Off 'Farscape'

With its premiere steadily approaching this year, there’s been much speculation surrounding what the 13th series of Doctor Who will be about. And after some speculating of my own, I've realized that the best thing that could possibly happen would be for Doctor Who to rip off Farscape.

Image: Sci-Fi Channel

Let me explain.

In last year’s series 12 episode of Doctor Who, "The Fugitive of the Judoon," the show pulled off a shocking twist, revealing a new incarnation of the Doctor, now known as The Fugitive Doctor, The Impossible Doctor, or Doctor Ruth.

Image: NBC

No, not her.

Image: BBC

There we go.

This sudden introduction of a new Doctor was a bold direction choice that paid off. Jo Martin immediately owned the role, and fans responded with their support, eager to see a whole season of stories with her. Perhaps she was the Fourteenth Doctor, poised to take over once Jodie Whitaker’s tenure was completed?

Image: BBC

Alas, in the series 12 finale, "The Timeless Children," it was revealed (or at least heavily suggested) that the Fugitive Doctor was actually from a part of the Doctor’s past that had been hidden from her. It turns out there were actually loads of Doctors before the first incarnation portrayed by William Hartnell.

Image: BBC

No, not him. Well… kind of.

Image: BBC

There we go.

It was a twist that raised countless questions. How many more past Doctors were there? Would we see more of them? Was this solely done to make the Doctors from The Brain of Morbius canon?

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