The 'Behind Her Eyes' Ending Explained With Clues You May Have Missed

- Behind Her Eyes -
The 'Behind Her Eyes' Ending Explained With Clues You May Have Missed

Warning: Spoilers for Behind Her Eyes Season 1 to follow.

The first thing you need to know about Behind Her Eyes is that the book by Sarah Pinborough, on which the Netflix series is basedm was marketed with the following hashtag: #WTFThatEnding. And if you've read the book or marathoned the miniseries, then you know why — this mystery has a bonkers supernatural ending that seems to come out of nowhere. Seems is the operative word here. The truth is, Behind Her Eyes is littered with clues that Adele was Rob all along, you just have to know what you're looking for.

If the show's big reveal left you scratching your head, the general gist is the real Adele's friend Rob from the psychiatric hospital became so obsessed with Adele's husband, David, he used convergent dreaming to possess her body and take over her life. Granted, this is not how convergent or lucid dreaming works, but for the sake of the twist, let's all agree to roll with it.

So the only time the real Adele is seen is during the clue-laden flashback sequences. Every other time Adele is onscreen and being deeply weird that's actually Rob being the ultimate creeper. In fact, it's Rob's general inability to act like a normal human person and not a dead-eyed robot that gives the game away (no shade to actor Eve Hewson, who does an excellent job of playing a sociopath standing in front of a man in the body of his wife just asking him to love him so he doesn't have to possess his mistress and start the body-swapping madness all over again).

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