6 Burning Questions The 'You'-niverse Still Needs To Answer

- You -
6 Burning Questions The 'You'-niverse Still Needs To Answer

The third season of Netflix's You ended in a fiery blaze, with Joe murdering his wife Love, framing her for a whole bunch of crimes (some of which she did), and skipping town to avoid further consequences for his actions. Now, Joe is in Paris, living his best (?) life, all while vowing to search the globe in order to find the latest love of his life, Marienne.

While most of Season 3 of You was tied together pretty neatly, that doesn't mean the show hasn't left us with some burning questions. In fact, there are certain questions the series hasn't revisited for more than one season now, making fans wonder if they'll come back to bite Joe in the series' swan song. We don't know yet if You is ending with Season 4, but whether it does or not, we're still eager to get answers to these burning questions. Here's what we're still trying to figure out in the You-niverse.

Where Is Delilah's Body?

We're starting out pretty morbid here, I know. We know that Love killed Delilah after she found her locked up in Joe's cage last season, but even Joe doesn't know where Delilah's body is — Love thought it was safer that way. Now, it's entirely possible that Love disposed of Delilah's body (RIP, girl) but knowing how manipulative the Quinn family is, it's also possible that Love hid her body somewhere just in case she needed to frame her serial stalker/killer hubby for something down the line. After all, Love murdered her first husband James, and then played the grieving widow card — she's capable of anything.

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